1. RICKY YOSEPTRY - Lecturer of the Postgraduate School of the Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung.
2. NUR DEVI YUSIAWATI GUMELAR - Mujahidin Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Teacher in Bandung.
3. M. ASEP ABDULAH - Masagi Islamic Middle School Teacher, Sukabumi Regency.
This research is motivated by the role of the existence of school committees, one of which is to develop strategies and implementations that can be accepted and implemented by schools, so that the existence of school committees will become a new force that supports the achievement of school goals. This research was conducted at Islamic Middle School Masagi, Sukabumi Regency. In general, the purpose of this study is to obtain a clear picture of the implementation of cooperation between school committees and schools to improve the quality of education at Islamic Middle School Masagi, Sukabumi Regency. This study uses a qualitative method with the consideration that education as a system is not only result-oriented but also process-oriented in order to obtain optimal results. This study does not intend to test hypotheses but describe and analyze the data so that general trends are found which will be used as material for further study in this study. The conclusion in this study is to analyze aspects of planning, organizing, implementing, supervising school committees with schools in improving the quality of education at Islamic Middle School Masagi, Sukabumi Regency, which was studied showed that there was a relationship between the School Committee empowerment activity program carried out with teaching and learning activities by paying attention to supporting substance in this case understanding and socialization efforts as well as the formation of the School Committee.
Management, Cooperation, School Committee, Education Quality.