1. LUKMAN EFFENDY - Associate Professor at Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic.
2. MUKHLIS YAHYA - Lecturer at Medan Agricultural Development Polytechnic.
3. YOYON HARYANTO - Lecturer at Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic.
4. RIKY RUDIAT - Fresh Graduate of Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic.
Sumedang is a sweet potato producing area which is better known as the cilembu test, but in its develop there are still obstacles, especially the boleng pest which can cause yield losses of up to 90 percent. Control efforts carried out by conventional farmers using pesticides are still not able to overcome these problems, so the introduction of the use of sex stimulants, better known as pheromones. The research objectives: (1) describe the level of pheromone adoption, (2) analyze the factors that influence adoption, (3) formulate a strategy to increase adoption. Survey research through direct interviews with respondent farmers as many as 82 people who were determined using the Yamane formula from 101 people from five villages. Collecting data using a questionnaire containing a statement of each parameter of the variable; function of farmer groups (X1), innovation attributes (X2), and agricultural extension (X3). The collected data were analyzed in two ways; descriptive statistics to explain the performance of variables and multiple regression analysis to find factors that influence adoption. The results of the study found; sex pheromone adoption is low, pheromone adoption is influenced by group function as a production unit and complexity as an attribute of innovation, the strategy to increase pheromone adoption is to increase the intensity of extension activities by citing materials related to the technical use and benefits of pheromones in cilembu sweet potato farming.
Adoption, Sex pheromone, Sweet potato weevil, Multiple Regression.