1. ADE TUTTY R ROSA - Post Graduate School of Education, Islam Nusantara University Bandung, Indonesia.
2. DEDE LINA MARLINA - Post Graduate School of Education, Islam Nusantara University Bandung, Indonesia.
3. FATHURROHMAN - Post Graduate School of Education, Islam Nusantara University Bandung, Indonesia.
The low level of student creativity in learning Physics makes learning less meaningful and will produce graduates who are less competent. This study aims to describe and analyze the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model to improve student creativity and teacher managerial abilities, teacher performance and competence. The teacher's efforts in increasing student creativity are through the application of the Project Based Learning learning model which is directed at aspects of the meaningful learning process. Project work contains complex tasks based on problems (problems) given to students as the first step in collecting and integrating new knowledge based on their experience in real activities. Conducted. Students at SMAN 2 Majalaya and SMAN 1 Cicalengka, Bandung Regency. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which will be conducted in 2 cycles based on the assumption that the Project based learning model provides an alternative authentic learning environment where learners can help facilitate improving skills in work and collaborative problem solving. The project-based learning approach is supported by constructivist learning theory. Using a qualitative research approach. The subjects of the study were students of the IPA class, totaling 35 students. The data analysis technique in this study refers to the analysis technique of the Miles and Huberman model. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the students' achievement in learning physics on the cognitive aspect had increased quite well, from an average of 62.00 to an average of 90.20, where the average learning outcome reached the KKM score (70). The average learning outcomes in the domain of attitudes obtained a very good predicate. While the average student learning outcomes in the skills aspect obtained a value of 82.13. Furthermore, for the creativity test results from the N-gain calculation, 12 students got the highest category, 20 students got the medium category, and 3 students got the low category. Thus, showing students how concepts, principles, science, technology, techniques, are used in an integrated manner to develop products, processes, and systems that are beneficial to human life. Can increase student creativity in learning Physics in the two schools.
Learning Model, Project Based Learning (PJBL), Student Creativity.