1. KALPAVI CY - Assistant Professor, Acharya Institute of technology, Bengaluru, India.
2. SUJATHA BM - Professor, Acharya Institute of technology, Bengaluru, India.
Recently improved progress in wireless communication systems is the deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for monitoring regular environmental conditions. WSNs involve low-power, lowcost, and simple sensor networks. The networks are developed to sense the environmental conditions, gather the data, process the gathered information, and drive the collected data/information to the Base-Station (BS) over the Cluster-Heads (CHs). The basic “LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) Protocol” is an efficient algorithm mainly used to solve the data gathering issues in WSN, where a small number of clusters are formed and deployed in a sensor network. This paper provides a definite analysis of the cluster mechanism in the LEACH-protocol. Likewise, the performance of the improved-LEACH protocol is analyzed and evaluated in terms of the lifetime of the network, calculation of the number of alive nodes, and dead nodes. “Energy-Efficient LEACH (EELEACH) protocol” offers a well-organized efficient routing in WSNs. The MATLAB simulation results show that the lifetime of a network of the LEACH-protocol is extended and the energy efficiency of the node is boosted.
Deployment, Wireless sensor network, Cluster-Head, LEACH, Base Station, Hierarchy, Energy efficient.