1. ZHONGLIU CONG - Research Scholar of Lincoln University College Malaysia.
2. BEXCI MANUAL SELVARAJ - Associate Professor of Lincoln University College Malaysia.
3. ANTONY SHEELA ANMARY RATHINAM - Lecturer of Lincoln University College Malaysia.
4. Dr. SANDEEP SHRESTHA - Professor of Lincoln University College Malaysia.
It's essential to rebuild after a "disaster to help the community get back on its feet, but it also offers fresh chances for economic growth, future vulnerability reduction, and long-term development in the disasteraffected area itself. Previous research, on the other hand, show that these possibilities have not yet been completely tapped. Many redevelopment" initiatives have failed owing to a variety of political, administrative, social, and policy/regulation-related factors. Using a "Public-Private Partnership (4P) approach to postdisaster rebuilding can help fill in some of the gaps that have been identified. It can also help enhance disaster management (DM) by including preparedness and mitigation into the reconstruction process. As the theoretical and practical basis for the proposed 4P, public-private partnerships (PPPs) have shown greater performance in numerous infrastructure projects as compared to the traditional method. Local communities, academia, professional associations and the media comprise the integrated 4th P, which refers to significant stakeholders that play" crucial roles in rebuilding.
Post-disaster reconstruction, Public, Private, People, Partnership, NGOs.