Like Raskova Octaberlina - Universitas Islam Negeri Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin - Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, NTB, Indonesia
The research was aimed to analyze the website translation procedures and strategies in YouTube Indonesia that appeared in the level of word, phrase, and sentence as well as to examine the frequencies. The research employed descriptive qualitative by taking the data from The results showed that the frequency of translation procedures in level of word were synonymy (43%), couplet (29%), transference (11%), naturalization (11%), and functional equivalent (6%). In the level of phrase, the translation procedures were modulation (62%) and transposition (38%). Finally, paraphrase became the most used translation procedure with 37% occurrences and followed by subtraction (37%) and addition (18%). The translation was done by applying full translation strategy which reflected the tendency to the aim of being accepted by Indonesia society.
translation procedure; translation strategy; YouTube; website; frequency