1. ELIANA LEÓN-ABAD - Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador.
2. SARA GONZÁLEZ - Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador.
This case study presents the results obtained from an intervention carried out with a Project-Based approach in testing three semesters to the PINE-Nivelación program at Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena. Instead of responding a close-ended questionnaire as a test, an online TV Broadcast Show project was presented, in which students were responsible from the conception of idea until the execution in a live streaming during the day of their test. The process of organization, assessment, and evaluation for this project took around sixty days per each academic period. The results of the application of this approach in three semesters are shared with the intention of proving there are alternative forms of ESL testing and as reference for future research.
PBA; testing; ESL projects; assessment; PINE