Manuscript Title:



Muhammad SaniYakubu, Dr. Seow Ta Wee, Dr. Fazli Wadood

DOI Number:


Published : 2021-12-10

About the author(s)

1. Muhammad SaniYakubu - Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi, Kano State, Nigeria.
2. Dr. Seow Ta Wee - Faculty of Technology and Business Management, University Tun Hussein Malaysia.
3. Dr. Fazli Wadood - Department of Management Sciences, University of Buner KP, Pakistan.

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The alarming rate of poverty in Nigeria has piqued the interest of academics and policymakers both inside and outside the nation. The mono-cultural structure of Nigeria's economy, declining oil prices, and the Covid-19 epidemic exacerbate the fragile nation's poverty malice; economic shocks aggravate and compound the already pervasive poverty malice. The poor are distinguished by their inability to sway social processes, government policy decisions, resource allocations, low educational capacities, poor vocational and entrepreneurial competences, poor health and low life expectancy; and exposure to risks due to a lack of financial, social, or physical security, inadequate environmental preventative measures, a lack of macroeconomic stability that impedes the poor's resources via inflation and other factors, etc. Thus, this study looks at the impact of entrepreneurial capacity building on poverty reduction in the Kumbotso local government area of Kano State, Nigeria. The study was guided by O'Donnel's individualistic theory of poverty. 200 respondents of National Social Investment Program(N-power) participated in the study. The hypothesis tested in the study are Ho: entrepreneurial technical and management skills have no significant impact on poverty reduction in Kumbotso local government Kano State, Nigeria; and H1: entrepreneurial technical and management skills have a significant impact on poverty reduction in Kumbotso local government Kano State, Nigeria. The study employed a survey design. The main research instrument was questionnaires and data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The study found that entrepreneurial technical skills had a positive and significant effect on poverty reduction (r=.405**, p<0.01); and entrepreneurial management skills also had a positive and significant effect on poverty reduction (r=.250**, p<0.01). The study concludes that developing entrepreneurship capacity is paramount to poverty reduction. The study recommended the continuous capacity building of the N-power beneficiaries to equip them with technical and managerial skills.


entrepreneurship, capacity building, poverty, Nigeria.