1. Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Raden Rahmat Islamic, Malang, Indonesia.
2. Phd student of Faculty of Economics and Business. Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia.
3. Smart Indonesia Academy.
In recent years, the business world has placed a greater emphasis on risk management, governance, and internal audit. The model is referred to as the three-line of defense due to the fact that it is made up of these three components. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the components of the "three lines of defense" model in four different types of Indonesian banks: Sharia Banks, Regional Banks, Rural Banks, and National Banks. The analytical descriptive method was used to collect data as well as analyze and interpret the results in this qualitative study. The findings demonstrate that the Three Lines of Defense (TLOD) model has evolved to encompass not only a bank's financial situation, but also to strengthen the underlying principles, broaden the scope, and explain how key roles within the organization collaborate to facilitate governance capabilities in terms of robustness and risk management. According to the study, some banks in four different types of Indonesian banks (Sharia Banks, Regional Banks, Rural Banks, and National Banks) have already mitigated business risk by implementing theTLOD.
Three line of defense, sharia banks, regional banks, rural banks, national banks