1. AHMED REZIGUA - Laboratory of Materials and Construction Process (LMPC), Civil Engineering Department, University of
Mostaganem, Algeria.
2. TAYEB AYAD - Laboratory of Materials and Construction Process (LMPC), Civil Engineering Department, University of
Mostaganem, Algeria.
3. TAHAR KADRI - Laboratory of Materials and Construction Process (LMPC), Civil Engineering Department, University of
Mostaganem, Algeria.
4. YASSINE ZELMAT - Laboratory of Materials and Construction Process (LMPC), Civil Engineering Department, University of
Mostaganem, Algeria.
This study concerns the determination of the main geometric characteristics of the slab and the profiled sheet according to the imposed loading, the length of the slab, and the thickness of the profiled sheet. Using the five equations providing the conditions of the deflection, the bending moment, the shear force, and the longitudinal shear at the service limit state and the ultimate limit state for the slab and the profiled sheet, a program in Matlab was developed to solve the five inequalities. The resolution of this system of equations offers an infinite number of possible results. Only logical values are taken into consideration. A logical value corresponds to a standardized dimension.
Composite Slab; Profiled Sheet; Stresses; Analytical Model; Deflection.