1. RICKY YOSEPTRY - Lecturer of the Postgraduate School of Nusantara Islamic University.
2. LISTI NAZIAH SUROYA - Teacher of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya City.
3. REZA TRI ATMANAGARA - Teacher of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ihsaniyah Bandung.
He era of globalization has an impact on changing the character of Indonesian society, including among today's students. Lack of character education will cause a moral crisis that results in negative behavior in society. Character education is closely related to moral education, where the goal is to continuously shape and train individual abilities for self-improvement towards a better life. This study aims to determine the management of planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating follow-up in the Character Building of Students at Riyadlul Ulum Waddawah Middle School and Darul Mutaalimin Integrated Middle School. Subjects in the study consisted of principals, teachers, students, administration and school committees. This study uses descriptive methods and field studies with qualitative research types. Collecting data using interview techniques, observation, and documentation techniques. The data obtained can be in the form of numbers, pictures, or facts that can be presented statistically and narrative descriptions. The results of this study are: 1) In the planning process, the principal needs to determine the goals to be achieved and conduct a SWOT analysis with his work team; 2) Then the character building management implementation team is formed and structured so perfectly to be effective in its implementation, an organizational expert provides a concept of an effective team composition; 3) The teacher establishes a close and warm relationship with students, makes the classroom a discipline laboratory for students, controls residual behavior, and provides time to solve behavioral problems; 4) Supervision is part of the management function which seeks to ensure that the predetermined plans can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Based on the results of the research, data analysis and discussion, what has been described, the researchers can conclude the research, namely: 1) Management planning and organizing in shaping the character of students in the City of Tasikmalaya is closely related to management or school management, namely how character education is planned, implemented, and evaluated in educational activities in schools; 2) Implementation management in shaping the character of students in the City of Tasikmalaya plays an important role in shaping the character of students' discipline. Because it is an effort to make students more disciplined, civilized, polite and pious and to help students become individuals who are human and have good morals; 3) Management of supervision in shaping the character of students in the City of Tasikmalaya. Supervision is part of the management function which seeks to ensure that the plans that have been set can be achieved effectively and efficiently. To ensure whether the implementation of character education is in accordance with the plans made, it is necessary to carry out monitoring or supervision carried out by the principal; 4) Management of evaluation and follow-up in shaping the character of students in the City of Tasikmalaya is carried out regularly by principals and teachers so that it proves that the program of forming disciplinary character is able to slowly instill students' disciplined character.
Management, Education, Character.