Total Quality Management becomes a reference in education in educational institutions based on process quality, service, human resources and results. Management consists of several things, such as: Planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up. Schools that implement religious character strengthening are efforts to develop education to realize national education in the midst of globalization. Along with that, the demands of society want a better quality education not only in academic (cognitive and psychomotor) but also moral or morals (affective). This study aims to describe the application of TQM in the strengthening of religious character that consists of customer focus, teamwork and continuous improvement. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach, data collected by way of: observation, interview, and documentation. Research subjects are principals, vice principals, teachers, staff, students and guardians. Validity of data with triangulation. Data analysis is an interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results show that: 1) Focus on the customer, i.e. serving the needs of learners, educators, education personnel, guardians or parents of learners and the community, 2) The implementation of integrated religious PPK in intrakurikuler, kokurikuler, extracurricular activities and habituation, 3) Evaluation in the form of assessment attitudes integrated in every Daily Assessment, Mid Semester Assessment, Semester Final Assessment, Deuteronomy Class Increase, 4) Teamwork is done by involving and empowering all components of the school be it educators as well as educational staff, 5) Continuous improvement, including: the use of the National curriculum is always the latest, increased academic performance, increased levels of discipline of educators and educational personnel, as well as improvement of supporting physical facilities and infrastructure.
Total Quality Management, Character, Religious.