1. IIS SALSABILA - Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia.
2. UJANG SAHYUDIN - Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia.
3. FAJRIN KOMARUDIN SOLEH - Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia.
This research is motivated by the phenomenon that occurs in today's society, namely the emergence of attitudes and behavior as well as moral decline which is shown by many children, adolescents, and adults. This study aims to analyze how the planning, implementation, assessment of PAI learning in growing the character of students in schools. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that provides a description or description of a situation as clearly as possible through logical steps, data collection techniques are carried out by interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The data collected were analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion using triangulation as a test of data validity. The results showed that the PAI learning strategy in growing the character of students at SMA Putra Indonesia and SMK Al-Muhsinin Bandung Regency had appeared to be developing quite well, this could be seen from: 1) the existence of learning planning activities, such as: developing a vision, mission, learning program annual program, semester program, weekly plan, and daily activity plan. 2) The implementation of learning is carried out in fostering character by example and habituation regularly or spontaneously, through systematic learning stages. 3) Learning assessment covers all aspects of student development which is carried out by observation, checklists, oral tests, non-written tests. 4) Problems and problem solutions are used as a motivation to create optimal learning programs. Mission, annual learning program, semester program, weekly plan, and daily activity plan. 2) The implementation of learning is carried out in fostering character by example and habituation regularly or spontaneously, through systematic learning stages. 3) Learning assessment covers all aspects of student development which is carried out by observation, checklists, oral tests, non-written tests. 4) Problems and problem solutions are used as a motivation to create optimal learning programs. Mission, annual learning program, semester program, weekly plan, and daily activity plan. 2) The implementation of learning is carried out in fostering character by example and habituation regularly or spontaneously, through systematic learning stages. 3) Learning assessment covers all aspects of student development which is carried out by observation, checklists, oral tests, non-written tests. 4) Problems and problem solutions are used as a motivation to create optimal learning programs. 3) Learning assessment covers all aspects of student development which is carried out by observation, checklists, oral tests, non-written tests. 4) Problems and problem solutions are used as a motivation to create optimal learning programs. 3) Learning assessment covers all aspects of student development which is carried out by observation, checklists, oral tests, non-written tests. 4) Problems and problem solutions are used as a motivation to create optimal learning programs.
Learning Strategy, Islamic Religious Education, Student Character.