1. HELMAWATI - Universitas Islam Nusantara.
2. LINDA MARLIANA - Universitas Islam Nusantara.
3. SUJANA - Universitas Islam Nusantara.
Schools are called as effective school if there is a strong relationship between what has been formulated to be done with the results achieved. Leaders must direct their members to become a Learning Organization, an organization where members continuously create results that have been determined together. There is a fact that several schools in Bandung Regency in the last two years have continued to increase to reach the TOP 1000 Senior High School in Indonesia, namely all schools that have successfully entered to State Universities (PTN) through selection to enter state universities. The Fifth Discipline applied by the effective school is important to learn. This research is categorized as descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques and instruments used were observation, interviews, and documentation studies, with a purposive sample. The focus of this discussion is on the implementation of a learning organization with five disciplines, namely systems thinking, personal mastery, mental patterns, shared vision, and team learning through the stages of planning, implementation, and supervision in realizing effective schools in Indonesia.
School, Effective, Learning Organization, The Fifth Disciplines.