1. DETI ROSTINI - Nusantara Islamic University (UNINUS) Bandung. Jln. Soekarno Hatta No. 530, Sekejati, Kec.Buah Batu,
Bandung City.
2. EKO NUR RAHMAT - Nusantara Islamic University (UNINUS) Bandung. Jln. Soekarno Hatta No. 530, Sekejati, Kec.Buah Batu,
Bandung City.
3. HILFA ILHAM MAULIDA - Nusantara Islamic University (UNINUS) Bandung. Jln. Soekarno Hatta No. 530, Sekejati, Kec.Buah Batu,
Bandung City.
Character education is an important aspect in student development in the modern era. Education of noble moral values plays a very important role in forming good character in students. Elementary school (SD) One effective approach in developing student character is through extracurricular activities. The general aim of this research is to describe and analyze the educational management of noble moral values for elementary school students through Scout extracurricular activities at Ma'arif NU Bojongjati Elementary School and Meraih Bintang Elementary School. This research uses a qualitative approach with the aim of exploring phenomena experienced by research subjects, such as behavior, perceptions, interests, motivations or actions, through words and language. The method used is a descriptive method. The results of the research show that noble moral education in elementary school through Scout extracurricular activities has special characteristics. First, the planning considers the noble moral values that you want to instill in students, such as honesty, discipline, a sense of responsibility and social awareness. Second, the chosen teaching method integrates these values through field activities, games and group discussions. Third, the aim of planning is to form positive character in students which is manifested in daily attitudes and behavior
Management, Noble Moral Values, Scout Extracurricular