1. ANKITA GOSWAMI - Ex-Student, Department of Education, Cotton University.
2. Dr. ANGITA SARMAH BORUAH - Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Cotton University, Assam.
The present study includes various information regarding the test anxiety among the students of secondary level. Anxiety before taking a test is similar to the anxiety, some people feel before performing in front of an audience. Anxiety about tests and evaluations causes undue stress and distress. Students' degrees of test anxiety are revealed in the present study. The purpose of the research was to learn how many pupils suffer from test anxiety and how those levels vary by gender. Descriptive survey methodology was employed for this investigation. Fifteen boys and fifteen girls (as a sample) were chosen. The ''Test Anxiety Scale'' developed by Richard Driscoll serves as the standard instrument for data collection. The results of the data analysis show that the majority of students suffer from high levels of test anxiety, with the percentage of anxious girl students being significantly greater than that of anxious boy students.
Test Anxiety, Students, Guwahati City, Assam.