1.SEMUEL PALEMBANGAN, M.T., M.Mar - Lecturer, Banten Shipping Polytechnic, Indonesia.
2. SOLEH UDDIN, S.SiT., M.M - Lecturer, Banten Shipping Polytechnic, Indonesia.
3. ABDUL ROCHMAN, M.M - Lecturer, Banten Shipping Polytechnic, Indonesia.
4. CHOLIS IMAM NAWAWI, S.Si.T., M.Si - Lecturer, Banten Shipping Polytechnic, Indonesia.
INSW is an effort by the Indonesian state in its efforts encourage the smooth flow of export and import goods. The system in INSW has experienced obstacles and obstacles service users as long as this system is implemented. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research results show that the implementation of the INSW System can be categorized as smooth, because it produces a positive impact on service users. The smooth implementation of the INSW System has been proven by several data which strengthens the opinion that the INSW System has a positive impact regarding the smooth flow of goods. The INSW system plays a very important role in facilitating the flow of export goods and import. The INSW system makes port and customs clearance easier process export and import documents because the data entered by the Exporter/Importer has been selected by the INSW System, thereby producing valid and fast data in the handling process.
Logistics, Export, Import, Indonesian National Single Window System.