1. MUHAMMAD ZUBAIR - PhD Student, Lincoln University College, Malaysia.
2. SATHEESH BABU NATARANJAN - Associate Professor, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
3. WAQAR AHMED AWAN - Professor, Riphah International University, Islamabad Pakistan
: Developing a standardized set of Urdu words and validating their efficacy allows Urduspeaking people to get more accurate and reliable speech audiometry evaluations. Objective: The purpose of the study was to develop and validate the list of Urdu monosyllable words for speech recognition scores testing Methodology: This cross sectional study was done at Avicenna Medical Complex, Islamabad, during 1st June 2023 to 31st December 2023. There were n=60 adult Urdu speakers with age from 15 to 60 years, belong to different regions of Pakistan, were included in the study. Initially we collected 180 monosyllabic Urdu words form Urdu newspapers, magazines, Books. Culturally and religiously sensitive words and homogenous or misunderstood words were excluded. Then familiarity rating on 5-point likert scale was done by using Google forms. Words with familiarity rating more than 70% were included. Content validation was completed by 9 experts by using 3 scales of appropriateness, relevance and familiarity. Inter rater reliability was measured by using Kappa statistics. The only words that obtained CVI scores above 0.78 were included. Results: Familiarity rating of 180 words was done among 60 Urdu speakers and 32 words found less familiar excluded from the list. Content validation by 9-expert was done on 148 words and only 7 words found below the criteria. Four words were not repeated correctly in pilot testing result a valid list of 137 Urdu monosyllabic words for speech discrimination scores testing. Conclusion: A word bank of 137 Urdu monosyllabic words was created, with adequate evidence of content validity based on word familiarity, appropriateness and Relevance.
Speech Audiometry, Word Recognition Scores, Content Validation, Urdu Monosyllable words, Audiometry, Hearing test, Speech Discrimination Scores.