1. SUSAN MAESAROH - Universitas Islam Nusantara.
3. NIDA HASANAH - Universitas Islam Nusantara.
4. HOERUL UMAM - Universitas Islam Nusantara.
This study aims to describe: 1) the background of the implementation of child-friendly schools at SMPN 1 Bojong, 2) the implementation of child-friendly schools through Islamic Religious Education at SMPN 1 Bojong, and 3) the impact of the implementation of child-friendly schools through Islamic Religious
Education at SMPN 1 Bojong. This research is a qualitative research, the subject consists of vice principals, PAI teachers, PKN teachers, and students. Data collection techniques are carried out by interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that: 1) the implementation of the child-friendly school program at SMPN 1 Bojong was motivated by the decision of the Purwakarta Regency government to make SMPN 1 Bojong a child-friendly school to answer parents' concerns about news of child violence at school. 2) The implementation of child-friendly schools at SMPN 1 Bojong focuses on the Islamic Religious Education program through five habituations, namely the habituation of greetings, the habituation of duha prayers, the habituation of Friday lectures, the habituation of memorization of juz 30, and the habituation of garbage greetings. 3) the impact of the implementation of child-friendly schools through Islamic Education at SMPN 1 Bojong, namely the formation of character, fun learning, and the active role of parents and the community to participate in implementing child-friendly education programs.
School, Child Friendly, Islamic Religious Education, Implementation.