1. RICKY YOSEPTRY - Lecturer of the Postgraduate School of the Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung.
2. GARINDI PURBA KENCANA - BPI Kindergarten teacher, Bandung City.
3. BELINA ANGGIA GUSTAMI - Mekar Arum Education and Culture Foundation, Bandung Regency.
This research is motivated by increasing the professionalism of teaching staff, which does not only increase abilities, but also involves the utilization of these abilities. In this case, increasing the professionalism of teaching staff is included in the development of human resources. This research was conducted at Mekar Arum High School, Bandung Regency. This research uses a qualitative methodological approach, so it does not test a hypothesis, but will describe the data obtained, so that something is found that can be used as material for further studies. Based on the results of the research presented in the previous discussion, the findings and conclusions of the study are as follows: The results of the theoretical study indicate that there are 10 (ten) competencies that must be mastered by teaching staff including: 1) Actualization of competency mastery of lesson materials; 2) Actualization of teaching and learning program management competencies; 3) Actualization of class management competence; 4) Actualization of competence in the use of media/learning resources; 5) Actualization of basic mastery competence; 6) Actualization of teaching and learning interaction management competence; 7) Actualization of competence in assessing student achievement for teaching purposes; 8) Actualization of competence in recognizing functions and programs of guidance and counseling services; 9) Actualization of competence to recognize and administer school administration; and 10) Actualization of competence in understanding the principles and interpreting the results of educational research for teaching purposes. A teacher is said to be professional if he has the knowledge and skills as stated above and is able to actualize it in carrying out his duties. In other words, it can be stated that the form of teacher professional competence is teacher learning performance.
Management, Headmaster, Competence, Teacher.